Tuesday 24 September 2013

Samuel Stuetz: Experienced Manager

Samuel Stuetz is an experienced team manager who is able to work with a team in a variety of conditions. He also knows how hard it can be to create a positive environment for a team. As a leader in his home and in the workplace, Samuel Stuetz is well versed in the challenges that come with leading a team of any size. Samuel Stuetz has had to face down insecurities, rivalries, and poor communication during his time as a leader. Within his home, Samuel Stuetz treats his family like a team. Each member of the family has their own unique skills and has the ability to perform excellently in a certain set of circumstances. Samuel Stuetz's leadership helps each member realize that they are working to help more than just themselves. With this in mind, Samuel Stuetz encourages them to set up opportunities for the other members to succeed and to work together on collaborative efforts. By doing this, Samuel Stuetz maximizes the utility of each member of the family and is able to help his family succeed.

Samuel Stuetz has taken similar steps in the workplace when faced with the challenge of leading a team. In a recent position, Samuel Stuetz was tasked with leading a 35-person team in researching and developing a new packaging system for automotive parts. While leading this team, Samuel Stuetz was required to handle disputes and the varied personalities of the 35 specialists under his leadership. Many individuals would have been scared of this responsibility, but Samuel Stuetz took the opportunity and thrived as a result. Samuel Stuetz's team performed their tasks admirably under his direction. Samuel Stuetz's skill in delegating tasks paired well with the attention to detail that Samuel Stuetz has developed. Team members were happy with the way the team was led, and the objectives of the team were met without difficulty.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Attention to Detail Helps Samuel Stuetz

As a mechanical engineer, it is vital that Samuel Stuetz pays a lot of attention to detail. Without it, many of his projects would fall apart without any chance of repair or improvement. Samuel Stuetz relies on his attention to detail to produce excellent results when he is called on to come up with a solution to a problem. Samuel Stuetz honed his attention to detail as a young man working as a bee hive inspector. Because he was supposed to look for problems with the hives, Samuel Stuetz learned quickly that it was important to look closely. Details like wax consistency and hive population were part of Samuel Stuetz's daily life while he worked at a bee hive inspector, and he learned to take cues from these little details when deciding what course of action to take. Samuel Stuetz's responsibility and attention to detail in this job helped him excel and helped the hives flourish under his care.

Samuel Stuetz carried the same attention to detail into his other jobs. As a team manager, Samuel Stuetz learned to pay close attention to the intangible aspects of team management. When Samuel Stuetz noticed that there was a tense atmosphere between team members, or felt that the team was losing its morale, Samuel Stuetz took measures to prevent the team from struggling or collapsing. By paying close attention, Samuel Stuetz was able to diagnose these problems before they became full-fledged issues, and helped the team stick together through tough times.

Attention to detail is one of the things that sets Samuel Stuetz apart from similar businessmen. In every area of his career, Samuel Stuetz's attentiveness and close eye for details has helped him be successful and helped his managers and coworkers perform their jobs better. Attention to detail makes Samuel Stuetz a valuable asset for any company.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Honesty Important to Samuel Stuetz

As a family man and business man, honesty is vitally important to Samuel Stuetz. Whether he is working with clients, managing a team, or simply working on his sustainable farm with his family, Samuel Stuetz holds himself to a high personal standard and expects honesty from himself in every situation. Samuel Stuetz has seen people try to lie and cheat in order to get ahead, and he has seen that these individuals always end up getting caught in the end. No matter how appealing the potential reward may be, Samuel Stuetz has learned that cheating and lying do not lead to long term success. Samuel Stuetz expects the same treatment from individuals on any team he leads. As a leader of a 35-person team tasked with designing a new packaging system for automotive parts, Samuel Stuetz made a point to emphasize honesty in the workplace and among his team members. Rather than allow them to come up with excuses for delays or lie about their progress, Samuel Stuetz made a policy that delays and difficulties should be reported honestly and dealt with as a team. This encouraged the members of Samuel Stuetz's team to remain honest in their dealings with him, and helped the group accomplish their goals more efficiently.

Samuel Stuetz has done his best to pass his expectations of honesty on to his family. From an early age, Samuel Stuetz has been part of a household in which the expectation was honesty, and in which lying was punished. Samuel Stuetz has carried that same attitude into his own household, and encourages his family members to be honest with each other and trust each other. Samuel Stuetz's emphasis on honesty stems from a desire to see his family be happy and to avoid fights among them due to dishonesty.

Friday 13 September 2013

Agriculture Familiar to Samuel Stuetz

Samuel Stuetz has worked in agricultural settings at various points throughout his life. As a young man, Samuel Stuetz was introduced to the world of farming and agriculture through an opportunity to work as a bee hive inspector at a local farm. Samuel Stuetz's time in this position helped teach him a great deal about agriculture and how small farms work in modern society. Samuel Stuetz's time at this job also taught him the importance of hard work and how helpful it can be to pay attention to small details. Because Samuel Stuetz was tasked with working with and inspecting the bee hives, Samuel Stuetz had to ensure that his process was precise so he did not get stung, and Samuel Stuetz learned to look for small signs of trouble in the hives that pointed to larger issues.

Samuel Stuetz would apply this attention to detail as he moved forward in his career, and it would prove useful as Samuel Stuetz continued to be associated with agriculture. As Samuel Stuetz grew older, he continued to be involved in agricultural business. At one point, Samuel Stuetz had become involved in the local organic farm movement, and had seen that the farmers were having difficulty bringing their product to market. As a businessman and intelligent individual, Samuel Stuetz began to see an opportunity to create a business that would help the farmers in their area of need. Samuel Stuetz worked closely with local farmers and developed a system that would allow farmers to bring organic produce to market without having to deal with as many difficulties. This advancement that Samuel Stuetz's innovation provided helped the organic farmers develop their farms into thriving businesses.

Samuel Stuetz continues to be involved in agriculture. Currently, Samuel Stuetz runs a small sustainable farm with his family and hopes to keep working closely with farmers.

Monday 9 September 2013

Samuel Stuetz: Law Enforcement

During his time at Walters State Community College, Samuel Stuetz was able to enroll in a course designed to prepare individuals for law enforcement careers. The course, which is an eight-week intensive training structure, is designed to give potential applicants to police academies an in-depth look at what type of training they would be facing. Many students considering a career in law enforcement take this course in order to better understand the challenges they may face should they continue with the career path. Samuel Stuetz, knowing that he wanted to be a good and conscientious member of the community, enrolled to gain this sort of understanding.

While going through the course, Samuel Stuetz was required to work extremely hard. Days frequently started before six in the morning, and Samuel Stuetz often did not finish his work until after ten at night. Samuel Stuetz's met his grueling schedule with an air of determination that was quickly noticed by his professors and classmates. While others whined and groused about the lack of sleep and difficulty of the training exercises, Samuel Stuetz worked hard and was determined to see the challenge through to the end. Samuel Stuetz's determination paid off, and he learned valuable lessons during his time in the program.

Upon graduation, Samuel Stuetz was the recipient of awards for excellence in defensive tactics, courage and determination, and outstanding leadership. Samuel Stuetz was the first student at Walters State Community College to be given all three awards, and considered them proof of his excellent work while in the program. Samuel Stuetz is very proud of his completion of the law enforcement education program, and hopes that the skills learned there will come in handy in the future.

Samuel Stuetz's determination and work ethic saw him through the difficult program, and these talents continued to help Samuel Stuetz as he moved on in life.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Samuel Stuetz Maintains Healthy Lifestyle

Samuel Stuetz firmly believes that taking care of one's body is just as important as taking care of one's home or finances. Too often, Samuel Stuetz sees businessmen who are overweight or ailing because they do not put aside the time to take care of themselves. Samuel Stuetz is determined to ensure that he does not fall into this category. Because of this, Samuel Stuetz has taken steps to ensure the upkeep of his own physical health.

Samuel Stuetz lives on a small sustainable farm. As a result, Samuel Stuetz has to work hard to ensure that the crops that he grows do not fail and that any animals he keeps are well cared for. Samuel Stuetz's work with the farm is a method of production, but also serves as a way to keep in shape and stay active. Samuel Stuetz knows that staying active and working with his hands is an excellent way to ensure that he remains healthy, so Samuel Stuetz does everything he can to work his hands and body frequently.

Another aspect of Samuel Stuetz's efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle is his diet. Samuel Stuetz has learned over the years that a diet of cheap food, fast food, and ingredients full of preservative and pesticides is detrimental to one's health. Because of this knowledge, Samuel Stuetz makes a point to eat organic and fresh ingredients whenever possible. Samuel Stuetz grows a lot of his own food, so he can ensure that much of what he eats is clean and healthy.

Samuel Stuetz intends to continue his active and healthy lifestyle for the rest of his life, and hopes that once others see the results, they will follow his example. Staying fit and active is extremely important, and Samuel Stuetz knows that it can improve anyone’s quality of life.

Monday 2 September 2013

Family Values Shape Samuel Stuetz's Life

Samuel Stuetz firmly believes that the most important part of life is the family. As a member of his family, Samuel Stuetz has constantly placed his family’s well being and happiness above his own. Samuel Stuetz does everything he can to emphasize the importance of having a tight-knit family to rely on. Samuel Stuetz's love for his family is no secret, and it is shown in Samuel Stuetz's willingness to take any type of job in order to provide for them. Samuel Stuetz has worked in many different capacities in his life, ranging from bee hive inspector to mechanical engineer. In each position, it has been clear that his motivation was to provide for his family, and that any benefits or enjoyment his job provided took a backseat to the knowledge that his family was being taken care of.

Samuel Stuetz has worked hard to instill his own dedication to family in the other members of his household. Samuel Stuetz firmly believes that teaching family members to rely on each other first, before relying on outside help, will bring the family group closer together and strengthen their bonds over the years. Samuel Stuetz and his family live together on a small sustainable farm and work together to provide themselves with some of their own food sources. Samuel Stuetz makes it a point to emphasize responsibility and community involvement in his family, and constantly aims to find ways to teach his family that they are not an independent unit, but rather a key part of the community.

As Samuel Stuetz continues in his career and his family grows older, Samuel Stuetz intends to continue teaching his family important lessons about caring for each other and providing for the needs of others. Samuel Stuetz wants to make sure that the family values that guide his life are passed on to the following generation as well.